Hi there, Budget Holder, let’s be candid, your finance department doesn’t to do a lot to help you manage your budget or spend. Perhaps more worrying is the fact that they believe everything regarding finance works just fine. As you probably already know, this simply is not the case. There are no corporate systems to make it simple to capture and track everything you buy, manage your budgets, plan for future spend and manage costs against projects, so each of you must improvise. To manage spend against budget, you must create and then update your own spreadsheets with everything you […]
This is the way all executives want to manage their budgets
How would you like to be able to work like this? You are electronically notified of a supplier’s invoice arrival waiting for you to approve it; you review it in detail (by looking at it on whatever device you choose), then simply “click or tap” to either approve or deny the invoice. If you are the final approver, the invoice is immediately posted directly to your accounting system, ready for timely payment. But it does not end there. You also have real-time dashboards and comprehensive reports about every supplier, how much you spend with them, what the expense was for […]